Same leftists that PUNISH Americans for their heritage celebrate DACA “dreamers” for theirs

Sunday, September 17, 2017 by

As Barack Obama said back in 2008 while out on the campaign trail, “we are just five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” While the Democrats celebrated and cheered him on, conservatives cringed — they knew exactly what he meant. Obama was talking about the erosion of our constitutional system and the complete breakdown of the rule of law; the destruction of individual liberty and the establishment of a powerful centralized government.

But in supporting this push to radically change the United States, Barack Obama and the Democrats revealed something that remains true to this day, and will most likely continue to be true for generations — they have a deeply rooted hatred for America and everything it was founded upon. After all, if you love something, then why would you want to transform it?

Virtually everything that makes America great and unique from the rest of the world is under attack. Our free market system, for example, is despised by the left because it is directly connected to individual liberty and private property, both of which are roadblocks standing between the Democrat party and a centralized government. Furthermore, when people are allowed to pursue their own interests and profit from it, it takes away from the notion that individuals need the federal government in order to become successful. This is why Barack Obama, on multiple occasions, told the American people that if they had a business, somebody else (like the government) made that happen.

But it’s not just America’s capitalist economic system that the left hates and therefore seeks to transform. To the progressives, our country’s long held traditions and values are now considered to be unfair and unjust. Holding the viewpoint that marriage is reserved for one man and one woman used to be generally accepted, but now those who define marriage this way are shamed and ridiculed. Likewise, America’s tradition of demonstrating the concept of peace through strength on the global stage has taken a backseat to weakness and timidity. Even values like hard work and determination have been torn down by the progressives’ radical agenda.

The thing that is incredibly ironic about the left’s rejection of American culture is that at the same time, they fully embrace the idea of foreign cultures being imported into the United States. It’s almost as if they are forcing the Americanism out of America and replacing it with something much, much different.

Raheem Kassam recently made this very case in an article published on Breitbart News. Referring to the hypocrisy of the left’s embrace of illegal immigrants while at the same time rejecting American culture, Kassam wrote, “If the argument goes that ‘Dreamers’ should not be punished for the actions of their parents, then why should modern Americans be punished for the actions of their grandparents, or even their European ancestors?” Of course, Kassam was talking about slavery, and using it to point out the sheer hatred that the left has for the United States. Our history is constantly rejected and put down, while the history of foreigners is celebrated.

Quite possibly the worst part of the left’s contempt for American culture is that it is spreading across the country like a wildfire. Needless to say, there seems to be a growing sense of shame and even embarrassment among many Americans over the simple fact that they were born here. This trend is arguably most significant among millennials, who are being taught to hate this country, our history, our culture and everything we stand for. It’s time to start letting people know that no matter what the left tells them, it is okay to be proud to be an American.

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