07/10/2018 / By JD Heyes
The Left-wing media’s hatred of POTUS Donald Trump is so pervasive and so powerful that they will justify any behavior that was previously considered taboo if they believe it will somehow hurt him.
Like, outing a source to federal authorities – something that, for a journalist, is the most taboo thing you could ever do.
And yet, that happened just recently.
As noted by Information Liberation, Marcy Wheeler, creator of the once-respected Empty Wheel blog in which she discussions national security issues, has just ratted out one of her sources to the FBI in order to assist special counsel Robert Mueller’s witch hunt of an investigation.
To be clear, that is such a massive breach of media standards that reporters and journalists have gone to jail in order to protect their sources. Wheeler just gave one of hers up.
“Disgusting rationalization of a fake ‘reporter’ turning in a source to FBI. Marcy Wheeler started out as a partisan on Daily Kos and never changed. The left today is led by the FBI and the Deep State. This is just more evidence of that,” wrote Antiwar.com editorial director Justin Raimondo on Twitter earlier this week.
Disgusting rationalization of a fake “reporter” turning in a source to FBI. Marcy Wheeler started out as a partisan on Daily Kos and never changed. The left today is led by the FBI and the Deep State. This is just more evidence of that. https://t.co/QdwnVMpfcw
— Justin Raimondo (@JustinRaimondo) July 8, 2018
And what’s more, the disgustingly dishonest establishment media is cheering her for doing it.
After all, it’s for Mueller; the Left has put all their eggs in his basket because they’ve been unable to “get” President Trump in any other way.
Washington Post media columnist Margaret Sullivan – the one writer on the Post’s staff who should have been the most outraged by what Wheeler did – became the most understanding.
Sullivan writes:
It’s pretty much an inviolable rule of journalism: Protect your sources.
Reporters have gone to jail to keep that covenant.
But Marcy Wheeler, who writes a well-regarded national security blog, not only revealed a source — she did so to the FBI, eventually becoming a witness in special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation of President Trump’s possible connections to Russia.
“For her to go to the FBI, that made my jaw drop,” Daniel Drezner, a Tufts University professor of international politics, told Sullivan. “It’s like Glenn Greenwald calling up the CIA and saying I’ve discovered a mole,” he added. Greenwald is a Pulitzer-winning, anti-surveillance, civil liberties lawyer who founded The Intercept.
Wheeler did not publicly reveal the name of the source, but there are concerns that the person’s name could nevertheless be revealed soon to everyone who’s been following the Mueller probe.
So why did she turn the source over to aid Mueller? Because she says, while at first, she wasn’t buying into the Russian election interference story, she now – after allegedly dealing with the source – not only believes it happened but that Trump associates were involved somehow.
According to Sullivan, Wheeler says she decided to go to the FBI sometime in 2017 – she didn’t say when – after she suspected the source of attempting to help compromise her website and other communications. More importantly, she believes the source was involved in cyberattacks, some committed in the past and others being planned for the future.
Wheeler also said she wasn’t out to get Trump, though she said she did not like him (nor does she care much for Hillary Clinton).
That said, “what motivated her recent revelation that she went to the FBI has plenty to do with politics: She is disgusted by the way House Republicans are, in her view, weaponizing their oversight responsibilities and making it all too likely that FBI informants will have their names revealed – and their safety threatened,” Sullivan notes.
That’s absurd. How can Congress “weaponize” their constitutional oversight role? And where is her outrage over Democratic stonewalling and the fact that Obama’s FBI attempted to put spies in Trump’s campaign in the first place? (Related: House Intelligence Committee issues subpoenas in “Russia investigation,” demands to know who unmasked Team Trump officials.)
This sounds like just another excuse for a Leftist journalist to justify breaking cardinal rules in order to bring down a duly-elected president. To pretend that it’s something else is nonsense; if that were the case, the Post would have ignored the story.
Read more about Deep State corruption at Corruption.news.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
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Tagged Under: broken rule, cardinal rule, fake news, FBI, Journalism, Journalist, Leftists, Marcy Wheeler, media hoax, news cartels, President Donald Trump, protected source, Robert Mueller, unethical, Washington Post