First, Russia hijacked our elections to help Donald J. Trump defeat Hillary because Vladimir Putin hates her. Now, the legacy …
There’s nothing quite as effective as a good outbreak story to keep the masses in line when it comes to …
The disgusting anti-American “mainstream” media is filled with Leftists who have never met a Marxist ‘revolutionary’ movement they didn’t like. …
The Left has engaged in an all-out assault against Americans’ constitutional form of government for decades, seeking to replace it …
Would you pay nearly $150,000 for a degree that can get you a job with a median yearly salary of …
As everyday Americans watch manufactured race chaos unfold all around them in the aftermath of the infamous Charlottesville false flag …
As they so often do, far-Left Democrats have overplayed their hand and created a monster that later threatens to destroy …
Could you imagine the reaction if conservatives had been rioting in the streets throughout the Obama years the same way …
You can’t turn on the news these days without seeing social unrest rising across the country. Just take a look …
When you, as a Left-wing political movement, attempt to “mainstream” your violence against those with whom you disagree by comparing …