News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Boston Globe calls for coordinated media collusion to destroy Trump… haven’t they already been doing that for three years?
If you needed more evidence that the “mainstream” media is unified in its blind opposition to POTUS Donald Trump despite the fact that he’s turned around the U.S. economy, put record numbers of Americans back to work, and re-established U.S. global leadership, this will do it. The Boston Globe, which is just another Left-wing establishment […]
By JD Heyes
Fake news WaPo used Soros-funded group to publish ambush article attacking a report that exposed massive Democratic vote fraud
The disgustingly dishonest Washington Post has published a hit piece designed to discredit an incredible new report exposing a Democratic plan to steal upcoming elections using massive voter fraud. As noted by Eric Eggers, the author the new book, “Fraud: How the Left Plans to Steal the Next Election,” Post reporter Eli Rosenberg composed “a hit […]
By JD Heyes
Lying left-wing media begs Trump to stop attacking them, even while they relentless LIE about Trump
Last week POTUS Donald Trump tweeted that he had an “interesting” and “very good” meeting with the 39-year-old publisher of The New York Times, A.G. Sulzberger, whom he had invited to the White House for a discussion about the paper’s “fake news” regarding his administration. The Times has allowed itself to essentially be used as […]
By JD Heyes
Putin destroys Left-wing media narrative that TRUMP benefited from Russia with claim that British financier sent $400 million to Hillary Clinton
It didn’t take long for the bombshells to be dropped after President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin met for their first official summit on Monday. The disgustingly amateurish and fake American media was all-in to “prove” once and for all that two 2016 election co-conspirators were sharing a stage in Helsinki, Finland. One […]
By JD Heyes
Left-wing journalists are now proudly part of the deep state… “journalism” utterly abandoned in favor of WAR ON TRUMP
The Left-wing media’s hatred of POTUS Donald Trump is so pervasive and so powerful that they will justify any behavior that was previously considered taboo if they believe it will somehow hurt him. Like, outing a source to federal authorities – something that, for a journalist, is the most taboo thing you could ever do. And yet, […]
By JD Heyes
Trump supporters kick white nationalists out of rally; left-wing media buries the story
There is so much dishonesty regarding President Donald Trump and his supporters in today’s Left-wing establishment media and pop culture that it’s nearly impossible to refute it all. Every day brings a new fake charge of racism, bigotry, hate-mongering, and homophobia. And while there may be some of those elements among Trump supporters – just […]
By JD Heyes
Journo-terrorism media now painting Trump VOTERS as “Nazis” who deserve to be murdered in the streets
The dishonest establishment media, which has been vicious to President Donald Trump, is now attempting to dehumanize him and his legions of supporters by comparing them to some of the most hated people in Earth’s history. Realizing that, despite more than 16 months’ worth of non-stop negative coverage they can’t crash his approval ratings low […]
By JD Heyes
It’s time to call the Establishment media what it is: An enemy of the state
Earlier this week during an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” program, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman pleaded with viewers to ‘vote Democrat’ in the midterm elections in November. Failure to do so, he warned, would lead to the destruction of our democracy. Or something like that. Labeling President Donald Trump the “greatest threat to […]
By JD Heyes
Marxist Democrats and their Pravda media are playing word games to deny Obama was “spying” on POTUS Trump’s 2016 campaign
One of the defining moments of Bill Clinton’s presidency was his impeachment for lying to a federal grand jury regarding his sexual relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. But one of the defining moments of Clinton’s testimony was when he tried to justify his lie with this statement: “It depends on what the meaning […]
By JD Heyes
Once-curious media that exposed Watergate now playing role of co-conspirator in covering up Obama spying on Trump
The now-infamous “Russia dossier” had been floating around in establishment media circles for weeks during the summer of 2016 when the presidential campaigns of Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump were heating up. But no one thought to publish the 35 pages of often salacious claims about Russian hookers, motel rooms, “golden showers,” and other […]
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