02/09/2019 / By JD Heyes
The same week that some 1,200 journalists lost their jobs, the Washington Post ran what can only be described as a vanity ad during the Super Bowl extolling the virtues of big “J” journalism and how, in this day and age, “knowing keeps us free.”
“When we go off to war, when we exercise our rights, when we soar to our greatest heights, when we mourn and pray, when our neighbors are at risk, when our nation is threatened — there’s someone to gather the facts, to bring you the story — no matter the cost because knowing empowers us,” said narrator and actor Tom Hanks. “Knowing helps us decide, knowing keeps us free.”
The 30-second spot ends with darkness settling over a lit-up Statue of Liberty with the Post’s Trump-era moniker, “Democracy Dies in Darkness.”
Many say “vanity” because the Post spent a reported $5.2 million on the ad and because it featured politically correct, virtue-signaling imagery such as the OKC bombing in 1995 (committed by white nationalist anti-government types) instead of the 9/11 attacks, and the death of Saudi national Jamal Khashoggi, an occasional Post columnist who was an enemy of the Saudi regime.
But the commercial’s central message about democracy dying in darkness — that without big “J” journalism from the likes of such ‘purveyors of truth’ as the Post, our country will cease to function as a free nation — is nothing but a crock.
In the age of POTUS Trump, the Post has been little more than a propaganda rag for the Democrat-aligned Deep State. The paper has published one fake news story after another in its unending quest to “prove” something that doesn’t exist: Trump-Russia “collusion” during the 2016 election.
The Post is not only guilty of acts of commission, but it is also guilty of acts of omission as well. For instance, the day after its multi-million dollar Super Bowl ad ran, extolling its supposed virtue of helping to keep Americans informed, the paper failed to properly inform its Virginia readers of something vital regarding the integrity and virtuousness of one of their elected officials.
Just days after Gov. Ralph Northam (D) voiced his support for infanticide, he became embroiled in a racial controversy that continues to threaten his ability to remain in office. (Related: Mark Levin blasts Washington Post, MSM, for failing to properly vet racist Gov. Northam.)
That’s important because, should he be forced to resign, Northam would be succeeded by Lt. Gov. Justice Fairfax, another Democrat.
But wait: Fairfax has his own problems. He’s been accused of sexual assault by a woman who has come forth with a credible story that could derail his career. Wouldn’t Virginians, whom the Post serves, want to know that?
Sure they would. But the Post chose “darkness” instead of “democracy” because the paper purposely buried the claim against Fairfax.
As Breitbart News reported:
The Post chose not to publish the story, the Post decided we did not need to know about this allegation — that we did not need to know this particular piece of information, that knowing about this did not rise to the standard of what we need to know to keep us free.
In explaining its decision, the paper noted, “The Post, in phone calls to people who knew Fairfax from college, law school and through political circles, found no similar complaints of sexual misconduct against him. Without that, or the ability to corroborate the woman’s account — in part because she had not told anyone what happened — The Post did not run a story.”
That might be understandable except that the Post was all over the allegations of sexual assault against now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, POTUS Trump’s last nominee, despite the fact that no one could be found to corroborate charges of sexual assault against him.
While the Post is correct that Fairfax’s accuser didn’t tell anyone, neither did Kavanaugh’s chief accuser, Christine Blasey Ford.
Double standard? You bet. But the Post just demonstrated clearly how ‘democracy dies in darkness.’
Read more about the fake news Washington Post at WashingtonPosted.news.
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Tagged Under: advertisement, bias, Brett Kavanaugh, democrats, disinfo, double standard, expensive, fake news, hypocrisy, Journalism, Justin Fairfax, left cult, lies, mainstream media, news cartels, omission, President Trump, propaganda, Ralph Northam, Super Bowl, suppressed news, vanity ad, Virginia, Washington Post, WashPost